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Autism and the Paranormal

Autism and the Paranormal

Autism touches the lives of many people, and for some families, that includes their child being sensitive to the Paranormal. If your child seems to be interacting with something that you cannot see, don’t automatically assume that it is paranormal, in some cases it is simply a matter of a bad medicine reaction. Once the medication was changed, then the ‘ghost’ disappeared. Check with doctors, and always take care of your child’s physical and mental health.

When all other possibilities have been ruled out, you may want to consider the possibility that your child may be communicating with a spirit.

There have been many studies done, with Autistic children who have special abilities, and you can find countless stories on the internet of families who have had to live with this "gift" on a daily basis.

"I worked with autistic children and adults for over twenty-five years. Through their multi-dimensional awareness and evolving form of telepathy, I continue to deepen my perceptual reality. Energetic and/or physically supported typing and telepathy are the methods used to transfer information to and through me. How this partnership works still perplexes me. I do not read their minds. I just hear them speak to me." ~ Mary Ann Harrington

Spirits are often attracted to those who can see, and hear them, and will sometimes chose to stick around. To your child, seeing these spirits is normal, and they accept them for who they are.


Diane Powell, M.D, is an author, public speaker, researcher, and practicing neuropsychiatrist. Dr. Powell’s work with non-verbal autistic children has shown strong evidence for telepathic abilities. Her education is extensive, and she’s worked with some of the best minds of the century, including several Nobel laureates.

The video below is one example of a test she conducted with multiple nonverbal autistic children. This particular child achieved a 100 percent hit rate, and in total average, the children achieved a group hit rate of 90 percent.

If your child has a "gift" and your family is experiencing paranormal activity, you can reach out to us, or contact an experienced medium. You can reach us here.

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