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Amherst, NS | Our Haunted adventure at the old Jail

Paranormal investigators behind bars Cumberland County Jail Amherst NS

Amanda and Charlene

The Cumberland County Jail is located in Amherst, Nova Scotia, and is the site of Canada’s last two hangings. Two 19-year-olds, Alvah Rufus Henwood and Trueman Mortimer Smith murdered a lady by the name of Mable Smith. The crime took place during the great economic depression, and would have remained unsolved if it hadn’t been for Heywood’s eagerness to spend his share of the money. This case would send “shock waves throughout Nova Scotia.”Henwood and Smith went to the gallows on Sept. 12, 1933. You can read the full story here

The 3rd floor of the building is where the hangings used to take place, and although you can no longer see the location where the actual hangings took place, you get that “feeling” that you are not alone.

Built in the 1890’s, the old jail on Lawrence Street in Amherst which had weathered two world wars and the turn of two centuries, closed its doors on early 2015, when inmates were transferred to a new 196-bed Northeast Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Priestville, Pictou County.

When we were invited to investigate this location, we immediately said yes. Nova Scotia has so much history, and investigating these historic locations, is like taking a step back in time. Buildings may change over time, but the energy and stories that they hold never do.

We used to joke that “Henwood and Smith” were out and about on the 3rd floor. There were times, while working by myself in the early mornings on the 3rd floor, I had the feeling I was being watched but there was never anyone there. ~ Former security guard

Although this location was used as a jail, we encountered nothing negative here. In reviewing our evidence, we did record many voices, and on the second floor, we even encountered a spirit who seemed to enjoy playing with our video camera. I can only imagine what it would have been like to have worked here!

Check out the video below, and if you would like to see some of our evidence clips, drop by our YouTube channel.

We were joined on this investigation by Emily Frenette, and Kellie Seaman.

We are located in Truro NS and offer our services Free of charge throughout Colchester and surrounding areas. Have a location you know we would be interested in? Feel free to contact us anytime!

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